Every now and then, my friends ask me - "what's up" which is short for what's going on with me these days? I generally reply with either a "nothing much" or elaborate plans that I intend to do but not doing right now. I created this page as a reply to the colloquial "what's up?".
Updated June 25th, 2024, from my home in Gurugram.
For the past three years I'm working as a software developer in Urban Company. I enjoy my work most of the times because of the financial independence it provides, and other times because of the lovely team I have. Everyday through work I learn less about coding but more about human relationships.
Since past few months or years I should say, I have found immense solace in Yoga that focuses on breath. Right now I'm stretching my yoga exercises a bit more and learning more about my breath and how it affects my body. I mainly practice Padma Sadhna followed by three stage pranayama, bhastrika pranayama, and Sudarshan Kriya by Indian Yogi Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.
I generally have a book that I read before bedtime. I've realised that the only time I've felt uninspired in life is when I stopped reading. Currently I'm reading How to Decide and I've been loving it so far. I'll write more about it once I finish it.
I've permanently left the smartphone and have switched to a feature phone to save my time and constant dopamine addiction. I access all the apps like twitter, whatsapp on my macbook. And for other usecases like booking an uber, accessing google maps etc. I keep a spare smartphone that I turn on only when I go out and need the phone for these specific usecases.